Research Chair in Swine Welfare - Coming Soon!
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Swine Welfare
(306) 966-7151
WCVM, UofS, 52 Campus Dr., Saskatoon, SK


Join our team! 
Available vacancies are posted at the base of this page

We are an active and diverse group of individuals that conducts research in the field of swine behaviour and welfare with a strong focus on delivering results for application on farms. We are always looking for enthusiastic and proactive individuals with a passion for their work to join our team. If you are interested in graduate school, volunteer opportunities, undergraduate and graduate research internships, a post-doctoral fellowship or have any interest in working with us please contact Dr. Yolande Seddon and follow the relevant procedure indicated below. We are an inclusive group and welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Internship/volunteering/summer student research assistant

Please contact Dr. Yolande Seddon by sending a copy of your current resume/CV, including information on the dates you are available for an internship/volunteer work/summer student research assistantship.

Graduate and postgraduate studies

Please send a current resume/CV with a short summary of your background and career goals to Dr. Yolande Seddon.
Where a position is advertised, please state which position you are interested in.

Available Positions

There are currently no positions available.